History of the SCCYP family

SCCYP is a registered charity (1136123) set up in 1992 .

We are a free after school and holiday play scheme for children aged 6 years and above, run by qualified staff alongside volunteers and a voluntary committee.

We operate all year round as an open access project.  We are also a huge part of the community helping in anyway we possibly can and providing activities and trips for family's and the elderly. 

Some of our activities involve fun and education, some involve essentials such as free hot meals prepared for our service users.

SCCYP are looking forward to May half term when we will be enjoying a free community bingo, Swimming Lessons, Indoor Climbing, Aerial Ninjas workshop & performance, Flower Planting in the garden and our trip to Gulliver's World plus our Youth trip.

Term time

3.30pm - 5:45 pm

Days open

Monday  Tuesday  Wednesday Thursday Friday  unless on off sight activities

Snacks provided free of charge

Open access  voluntary ofsted registered EY414290



What we do

free play,   art ,  craft ,  sport , gym , trips , indoor structured play activities  baking ,healthy eating , planting flowers / fruit & veg, bingo ,face painting, trampolining, outdoor games, musical theatre ,karaoke,  and much more

All staff are D B S  checked

       St Cyrils Children and Youth Project           84 Southbrook Road, Naylorsfield, Liverpool L27 1YW
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